A Scary Story Told In Only FIVE Words...
"Hard Drive Failed, No Backups"
...and how to avoid it completely.
Launch Pricing Held For Another:-

Features & Benefits In A Nutshell
- Increased Revenue - Sell Backup Service To Clients
- Includes A Free 'Use Anywhere' PHP Backup Script
- Peace Of Mind Knowing YOU Have YOUR Backups
- Optional - Send Backups To Amazon S3 Bucket
- Optional - Send Backups To Your Desktop PC
- Back Up Multiple Databases
- Easy To Install Script - Copy And Tweak (**)
- Reduce Your Costs - Don't Pay For Dodgy Backups
- Includes Free Windows Synchronisation Tool
- Send Backups To Remote FTP Server
- Optional - Backups To Cloud Via Free Sync Tool
- Optional - Backups To Local USB Drive
- Back Up Email Accounts (cPanel *)
- Set And Forget System
Backup Hackup Will Automate Your Backups!
Hi, Frank Haywood here.
Probably one of the worst things you can discover as an online business owner is that one of your web sites is down.
Either it's been corrupted by a hard drive failure on your web server, or it's been hacked and defaced.
If you don't have backups then it's a total disaster.
How would you like to know for sure that your web sites are being backed up, and even better, that you have the backups of all of them being delivered directly to your desktop? Or optionally to a remote FTP server at another location?
And optionally to your Amazon S3 account?
All done automatically.
Sounds good?
I'll show you how.
Why Is Backup Hackup So Good?
Simple! Because it's easy and it's modular.
Install the core script on your site to automate the backup process and then choose your backup destination.

What EXACTLY Do You Get?
The free PHP backup script is what makes the entire Backup Hackup process possible.
The script is non-database driven so once you've created your own customised settings to your target destination, all you need to do is copy the script directory to your next site and tweak the settings.
I'll show you, and once you know how it will take you about 10 minutes per site.
The optional free Windows FTP server is how you allow files to be sent to your local desktop on your home / office computer.
While installation is easy, configuring the server, adding new accounts, and setting port forwarding on your router can be a little tricky if you don't know what you're doing.
Luckily, I've been doing this for several years and I'll show you too.
The free Windows synch tool is an optional extra that you can use to move your backup files from your local desktop out to an external USB drive.
You can also configure it to send files out to most of the major cloud storage providers, and any location that supports FTP.
You could even optionally use it to retrieve the backup files from your web server.
This is the heart of Backup Hackup, and shows you in stages how each part of the puzzle ties the whole thing together.
Once you've worked your way through the core and any of the the optional modules, you'll understand the principles of file movement across the internet and you'll then know enough to even come up with your own personalised solution to taking backups and keeping them safe.
Tell Me About The Course
Backup Hackup is a course in modular sections, presented as a series of videos which will teach you how to backup your sites automatically and then FTP them to your desired FTP server, INCLUDING your desktop computer.
And optionally to an Amazon S3 account too.
These backups can take place at a time of your choosing, and this can be overnight when it's quiet, or during the day if this suits you. For example, I have a PC at my home / office that's on 24/7 so I prefer for backups to run overnight as they then get sent to that machine via FTP while I'm asleep.
You could also choose to run your backups overnight if you're using "buckets" on your Amazon S3 account.
The course will show you how to achieve this using ALL FREE software and PHP scripts and will be updated as alternative software becomes available.
Once you've got past the hurdles of your initial system set up, then setting up automated backups for each additional site will take you around 10-15 minutes. Then once it's done you can mostly forget about it. (You might want to check up on it every few days until you're confident that all is well.)
I believe that it's something that every web site owner needs to know, and I've done all the hard work to puzzle it out.
Now all you need to do is follow the course through and apply it to your own sites.
I'll show you how to set everything up to do your backups safely and securely and all it will cost is your time.
And you'll then know exactly where your backups are.

What Will You Learn?
When you've gone through the course then you'll be armed with all the information and tools you'll need to:-
a) Automatically generate web site backups
b) Send them to the locations of your choice
You don't even need to implement all of it, you could just set up the site backup which includes your databases and emails and you're done. (Just a quick note to explain that email WILL get backed up with cPanel, but you may need to talk to your web host if they use a proprietary web control panel, as one of my own web hosts do.)
But if you want to go that extra mile, then I also show you all the optional bits and pieces too.
Included as part of this course, I also explain all the steps required to run an FTP server on your desktop PC, and how to send your backups to many of the big cloud storage providers too, such as DropBox and Google Drive, by use of a free Windows synchronisation tool.
Everything you need to do automated site backups is made available to you.
I show you how to tie it all together.

- Installing the backup script
- Configuring the CRON
- Setting FTP as the destination
- Tweaking the script
- Testing it out
- Using this module is OPTIONAL
- Configuring your Amazon S3 account
- Setting a bucket
- Creating a folder in the bucket
- Testing it out

- Using this module is OPTIONAL
- Installing the free FTP server on your Windows PC
- Adding an FTP server account
- Port forwarding
- Free Dynamic DNS services
- Putting it all together
- Using this module is OPTIONAL
- Installing the free sync software on your PC
- Synchronising backups to a USB drive
- Synchronising to cloud services

- Restoring a backup
- Cloning a site
- Tweaking after clone
This is a speed run through setting a site backup.
All your other sites are handled in exactly the same way, and what you can do is copy the backup script from site to site and tweak it. Eventually you'll be able to do the whole process in under 10 minutes.

That’s Very Cool… What Else Can I Do?
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